We Love Our Pets

Just a place to share info

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Doggie That Launched a Million Smiles.

Ripley Rose
A Doggie that launched a million smiles. Yep they all do.. That's thier Job!

 A lot of tears today  as my wife and I needed to put one of our pups down.  We rescued  Ripley and her partner in crime Charlie from a shelter about  11 years ago.

As all you pet lovers know it’s a hard thing to do..  however as we all know as the tears fade… The great memories and all the smiles and Joy that a pet can bring into your life and home will never fade away.

Ripley Show Me Tummy
  Thank God for you Pets they are truley with you for a reason

Thank you Ripley

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Does My Dog... Sleep Belly Up? By Dr. Patty Khuly at Vetstreet

Huge relaxed dog is lying upside-down on her back on the bed with handmade patchwork quilt There are no solid stats to reflect the incidence of dogs willing to sleep belly up, but an informal survey of the dog owners you know will probably reveal something like this: 5 to 10 percent of pet dogs sleep with their bellies bared on a fairly regular basis.

But these squishy stats are for pets only. Perhaps not surprisingly, sleeping belly up is not a common behavior among wild canids. Their greater security concerns are likely responsible for an unwillingness to bare all.

After all, to offer up one’s soft underbelly when you’re already at your most defenseless is not exactly in a predator’s best interest –– much less in his nature. And this may help explain why some pet dogs are more willing to sleep with their bellies exposed than others.

It seems that more relaxed, easy-going dogs are over-represented among those who regularly assume a belly-up position –– the dogs most temperamentally distanced from their wild cousins.

Of course, there’s a lot to be said for the role of socialization as well. Dogs who engage in this behavior tend to be secure, well-socialized individuals who enjoy safe, stable, comfortable surroundings.

 So what does that say about dogs who aren’t into baring their bellies? Probably not
much. It seems this favorite posture is a preference above all else

. Click here to get more at – Vetstreet

Click here to Learn more about Dr. Patty Khuly

“ Neal Paskvan is a Pet Friendly Real Estate Agent with Baird and Warner DOWNERS GROVE”

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Keep Your Pets Cool In a Heat Wave

“This extreme heat and humidity can pose health risks for people, but it’s also a dangerous time for our pets,” said Adam Goldfarb, director of the Pets at Risk program for The HSUS.

Hot weather tips

Never leave your pets in a parked car. On a warm day, temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels. On an 85 degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees. Your pet may suffer irreversible organ damage or die. If you see an animal in distress in a parked car, contact the nearest animal shelter or police. Print out our Hot Car flyer (PDF) to post in public places and share with your friends and co-workers.

Shade and water are a must. Anytime your pet is outside, make sure he or she has protection from heat and sun (a doghouse does not provide relief from heat) and plenty of fresh, cool water. Heatstroke can be fatal for pets as well as people.
Limit exercise on hot days. Take care when exercising your pet. Adjust intensity and duration of exercise in accordance with the temperature. On very hot days, limit exercise to early morning or evening hours, and be especially careful with pets with white-colored ears, who are more susceptible to skin cancer, and short-nosed pets who, because of their short noses, typically have difficulty breathing. Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet's paws, so walk your dog on the grass if possible.
Recognize the signs of heatstroke. In case of an emergency, it's important to be able to identify the symptoms of heat stress caused by exposure to extreme temperatures. When in doubt, contact your veterinarian immediately. Some signs of heatstroke are: heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness.
If you think your pet is suffering from heatstroke, act quickly! Move the animal into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or cold towels to her head, neck, and chest or run cool (not cold) water over her. Let her drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take her directly to a veterinarian.

Article Provided by  The Humane Society of the United States and Fowarded by Neal Paskvan (Baird and Warner- Downers Grove)

Click Here For for the Original Article and Video


Monday, July 30, 2012

Another Tip on Keeping Cool Before You Call the A/C Guy……………. Cottonwood Trees and Your Air Conditioner

Due to the warm weather this spring in Chicagoland  the little “Snowflakes” fell early!


Cottonwood A/C Coil Clogs

Think about it for a moment… During the peak of cottonwood season, fuzzies are flying around your neighbor hood. This is when they attack your air conditioner. No they don’t use magic, or contain some sort of chemical agent. Instead, they are sucked into your condenser coil, and the result is reduced air flow across the coil. This will first cause your air conditioner to loose some of its energy efficiency. Although this is a problem, losing a little efficiency will only cost you pennies, but the bigger problem of an over heated compressor can cost hundreds.
Picture this, its 100 degrees outside and your cottonwood seed packed coil can’t cool itself off. Do you see the problem here? Those cute little fuzzies we chase around as kids just burnt out your compressor! Now you have to call up for an emergency service call in the high heat of summer.

From what the experts' tell me, the simple solution is to just fully hose down the grill work around your A/C unit so it can do it’s job!

Click here to see a Video on how it's done

“Neal Paskvan is a Real Estate Agent in Downers Grove with Baird and Warner”

Monday, July 23, 2012

Clutter Bug in Your Home? | Clutter Free Tips | Provided by HouseLogic

Messy House Do you constantly clash with the clutter bug in your home? Here are tips on how opposing clutter styles can live in peace.
If you live alone, you never must tolerate anyone’s clutter but your own. Add another human to the household, and you’re bound to butt heads over how and when stuff is stored, piled, and put away.  The Wall Street Journal feels your pain and recently hosted an online chat about clutter styles.
Writer Alina Dizik and psychologist Patty Ann Tublin advised readers — mostly women complaining about packrat husbands and boyfriends — how to navigate relationships between clutter bugs and neatniks.

Here are 5 tips we culled from the conversation:
1. Determine if arguments about clutter are really power struggles. Is the rift really about piles of paper or an attempt to acquire more control? If you can’t figure this out, consult a professional organizer or counselor.
2. To reduce stress in your home, designate “clutter free” and “clutter friendly” areas. Perhaps the guests-only living room is a No Clutter space, while a mudroom or small den can accommodate some clutter. Also, investigate unusual places to store clutter, like under the stairs, or these space-saving hacks.
 Click here for the Rest of the Story

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ask A Vet: Fireworks and Thunderstorms- Loud Noise Phobias in Pets - Woodridge Animal Hospital

 Dr. Amy Van Tassel has been practicing in the Chicago suburbs since graduating from the University of Illinois in 2000. Dr. Amy Blogs on the PATCH in Woodridge. We are indeed Proud to Have her as a part of our Blog aslo. You will find a link to her website  and how to ASK a Question or contact her below.

Credits : Dr. Amy Van Tassel, DMV- Woodridge Animal Hospital

Spring and summer in the Midwest can be a rough time for pets scared of loud noises. Not only do we have the 4th of July, a day (sometimes week) that centers around fireworks, but we also have regular thunderstorms.
Even though it's a normal instinct for animals to fear loud noises, many pets experience excessive anxiety, particularly when it comes to fireworks and thunderstorms. Pets show anxiety in many different ways, the more significant include panting, pacing, whining, howling, trembling, digging, drooling, or even destroying things.
The most important thing you can do to help a pet cope with anxiety is to ignore them. Most people who have a pet showing signs of anxiety will try to calm them by petting and speaking reassuringly to them in a quiet, calm voice. While intentions are good, unfortunately this is the worst thing for an anxious pet. The reality is that the pet has no idea what is being said. Instead, they only know that by behaving the way they are (fearful and anxious), they receive all sorts of wonderful attention and praise. This only serves to reenforce the behavior and often will make the reactions more intense. Some pets will start to react to lightning instead of just the thunder, to light rain showers, or even to barametric pressure changes.

What you should do: Limit your pet's exposure to the noise. Let her have access to the area she feels most safe. This is often in a room without windows like the bathroom, a closet, or under a bed. Close curtains to prevent visibility of the conditions outside and have some background noise, like music or the television to dull the sounds of thunder or fireworks. And most importantly, do not give your pet any attention, this includes eye contact, touch, or talking to her. She can follow you or lay near you, just don't give her any attention unless she's calm.
If the things mentioned above alone don't help, talk to your veterinarian about other options available including pheromones, thundershirts, medications, and instructions on ways to teach your pet to relax.

If you have a question or would like me to cover a topic in this blog, please e-mail me at dr.amy@woodridgeanimalhospital.com.

Click Here to Learn More About Dr Amy

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Overweight Dogs | Pet and Animal News

 Can My Dog Lose Weight?

Heavy Dog

Overweight Dogs: Can My Dog Lose Weight?
Although a fat, pudgy dog can be super cute, if your dog is carrying excess weight, he may be suffering physically. Many dogs are prone to be overweight or even obese. Other dogs may simply be suffering from a lack of exercise, or may be eating the wrong types of food. Perhaps your veterinarian has recommended that your dog drop a few pounds. If your dog is overweight, you can help him to lose some excess doggie flab. Obese dogs, just like obese humans, don’t live as long as their slimmer counterparts. And as the dog’s owner, it is up to you to keep him properly fed, socialized, and exercised. The tips that follow can help your porky dog to get healthier.

Feeding Your Dog
Just as we humans can fall into a pattern of eating the wrong things, your dog can fall into the same patterns – albeit you are the one who is feeding him. If you are feeding him from the table or table scraps, this can be detrimental to your dog’s health. A large dog needs two or three small meals each day instead of one big feast. Feed your dog a healthy dog food that is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Until you find a brand of healthy dog food that your dog will actually eat, purchase the smallest bag available in each brand. Your veterinarian can help you select good choices when it comes to healthy food for your dog to eat during its “diet”. After finding the right kind of dog food for your beefy dog, you can then start adding crushed veggies (steamed beforehand) to their food. Many people automatically assume that dogs only like meats, eggs, and so on, but lots of dogs enjoy vegetables and they can get a lot of extra minerals and vitamins from veggies that can help them shed excess weight.

Exercising Your Dog
Food adjusted, its time for the fun part – exercising your dog. Leash your dog and head out to the nearest park for some quality running, walking, and playing. Allow the dog ample time to rest during his exercise periods. Keep a portable dog bowl and plenty of water for the dog so that he doesn’t become overheated. Slowly add a longer course to your daily jaunts and walk for a longer period of time. Aim to get a minimum of thirty minutes of exercise each day. If you have a pool, don’t forget that your dog is a natural swimmer – and swimming is a great exercise for weight loss. Varying your dog’s workout will keep both you and the dog entertained, which means that you will have a greater success rate.

Reward Your Dog with Praise and Love
While doggie is dieting, it is important to avoid giving him any additional treats. Many dog treats are laden with fat and are not even that filling. Instead, reward your dog for a job well done with loads of praise and lots of love. Rub him, pat him, and give him a big kiss – but don’t make food a reward as it will just encourage his poor nutritional habits.

Article Provided by Pet and Animal News.

This news story is independently sourced and PetPeoplesPlace.com does not specifically endorse products or services offered by any company referenced in this article, or benefit from any association with any companies referenced.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Does My Dog . . . Like to Stick His Head Out the Car Window? - Vetstreet

By Linda Fiorella | April 26, 2012

142256174 Anyone who's been in a convertible with the top down can relate to the look of happiness on a dog who's peering out a car window, his ears rippling in the wind.

Despite the obvious dangers involved, it can be hard to deny such joy to your pet. But what makes car windsurfing so appealing to dogs in the first place? And just how dangerous is it?


Canines Who Love Car Windows

Dr. Kelly Moffat, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist and medical director of the VCA Mesa Animal Hospital, offers a few theories on why some dogs relish sticking their heads out of vehicle windows.

“First and foremost, they like it! Simple as that,” Dr. Moffat says, adding that “putting their head out the window gets them closer to all the exciting happenings outside of the car.”

According to Dr. Moffat, things like a wider view of the passing scenery and increased accessibility to enticing scents outside the moving vehicle can be irresistible to an animal whose sense of smell is so much more sensitive than ours.

Dr. Moffat adds that, contrary to popular belief, not all dogs enjoy riding in cars with their heads out the window. “These dogs may have motion sickness," she says. "Or they may be fearful of the car and the motions and sounds associated with the drive.”


The Dangers to Your Dog

If your dog is one of those pups who can't wait for you to roll down the window, Dr. Moffat offers this stern warning: “The dangers can include a dog jumping out the window or rolling the window up on himself, as well as eye injuries from flying debris, such as stones and dirt.”

Dr. Moffat stresses that dogs should always be properly restrained, either in a crate or with a pet seat-belt harness, whenever they're in a moving vehicle — even if the windows are up. “The driver doesn't need to have a pet crawling in their lap, nor should the pet be launching itself from the back to the front, running back and forth on the back seat, getting under the gas pedal or accidentally rolling that window down,” she says.

If you can’t resist allowing your dog some of the thrill of a breezy drive, Dr. Moffat suggests having someone sit with a seat belt-restrained dog in the back seat, while you drive the car slowly through the neighborhood. “But once you're on major streets and driving over 25 mph, the dog should be in a seat belt for safety,” she says.

Article Courtesy of Linda Fiorella and Vetstreet

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why Does My Dog... Lean on Me? - Vetstreet

By Dr. Patty Khuly | November 8, 2011
whydoes0my20dogleanonme Is your dog a leaner? It’s a common enough issue. Most serial dog owners are likely to have lived with one at some point.
But it’s not just leaning. It’s also standing on your feet, hugging your legs during a walk, and sleeping with the maximum amount of shared surface area in contact.
Some authorities would have you believe your dog is trying to dominate you with her weight. Others might say you’re being manipulated by a poorly socialized, misbehaving suck-up who knows how to push your buttons. But the truth is something else.
In most cases this is affection-seeking behavior, plain and simple. Dogs love to cuddle. And if the person you want to cuddle with is always sitting and standing, then cuddling takes the form of leaning on her or sitting on her shoes as she taps away at the keyboard.
Add that to the fact that dogs –– pack animals that they are –– are fond of close contact as a safety measure, and you’ve got a great rationale for your dog’s lean-on-a-leg approach to life.
Article Courtesy of  Dr. Patty Khuly and Vetstreet

Friday, April 6, 2012

ASPCA | Tips for a Pet-Safe Easter!


With Easter right around the corner, our experts want to remind pet parents of a few holiday dangers.

  • Beware of Easter lilies. These toxic plants can be fatal if ingested by our furry friends.
  • Keep candy bunnies in check—chocolate goodies are toxic to cats, dogs and ferrets. And any treats containing xylitol an artificial sweetener used in many candies, chewing gum and baked goods—may be toxic too!
  • Decorations can be dangerous, especially Easter tinsel. Kitties love to nibble colorful plastic grass, which can lead to an obstructed digestive tract, severe vomiting and dehydration.
  • Baby chicks and rabbits are not Easter gifts. While these festive babies are adorable, resist the urge to buy; they grow up fast and often require specialized care! Thousands of ex-Easter bunnies and chicks are abandoned each year when their novelty wears off.

For more pet safety tips, please visit our Pet Care section.

ASPCA | Tips for a Pet-Safe Easter!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Does My Dog . . . Walk in a Circle Before Lying Down? – Vetstreet By Denise Maher | March 19, 2012


                            Dogcurledupinaball                           Many dogs will circle around a spot before they settle down to rest. While no one can be certain of the exact reason why canines do this, the ritual is likely a residual habit from the days when wolflike dogs lived out in the wild, says veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Sueda, DVM, of the VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital.

Your dog’s ancestors had to sleep outside, in the elements, without much warmth or safety. Walking around a spot was a way to stamp down grass, leaves or snow and create a soft, level surface — something akin to carving out a nest.


Circle There and Dig This

After she circles, does your dog scratch at the bedding or carpeting before curling up? Just like circling, the digging action is probably an ancestral behavior related to staying safe and comfortable.

In extreme heat, digging a hole was a way to reduce a dog’s body temperature by surrounding herself with cool soil that could help regulate body heat. When it was cold — or even freezing — climbing into a hole allowed a dog to retain body heat and keep cozy.

So why haven’t our pampered house pets evolved away from these behaviors?

Don’t worry — circling is not a sign that your pet has heard the call of the wild. Adaptive behaviors tend to linger long after they’ve lost their usefulness if there’s nothing to discourage them or “select against the habit,” Dr. Sueda says


When Circling Could Be Cause for Concern

Restlessness can be a sign of discomfort or even pain. If your dog is repeatedly circling and digging but can’t seem to get comfortable, she may have a health problem, such as arthritis or neurological problems.

You should observe your pet to see if she’s having trouble getting up and settling down. If she’s restless, take her to the vet to rule out pain and get a proper diagnosis.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Downers Grove Pet Lovers: Coyote Mating Period Approaching


  You may see more coyotes in the area in coming months, as February through April are the typical coyote mating period. The City encourages you to be especially careful to keep your pets on a leash.

Coyotes are a permanent fixture in DuPage County’s rural, suburban and urban areas. Seeing a coyote cross a field, backyard, road or golf course does not necessarily constitute a problem or dangerous situation, either for humans or domestic animals. Coyotes will be more active and more visible in late-winter/early spring during their breeding seasons. Most coyotes are harmless; their goal is to eat more natural foods such as mice and rabbits

Downers Grove Pet Lovers: Coyote Mating Period Approaching

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Top 10 Pet Toxins of 2011- Provided by the ASPCA

Prescription Human Medications
Both known and unknown toxins can be found hiding in our houses and yards. In 2011, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, IL, fielded more than 165,900 phone calls about pets exposed to poisonous substances.

1. Prescription Human Medications

Almost 25,000 calls last year were about human prescription medications. Pets, especially dogs, are notorious for ingesting any dropped pill. Cardiac and ADHD medications make up a large percentage of these calls. Always make sure to take these medications in a safe place away from your pets.

2. Insecticides

Insecticides were the subject of 11% of calls to the ASPCA in 2011. These include products used on the lawn, in the house and on the pet. The most important thing to do is read the label before you use any insecticide, and never use a product labeled for dogs on cats.

3. Over-the-Counter Human Medications

Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can kill your pet. Never give any medication to your pet without consulting with your veterinarian first.

Click here for the rest of the story from ASPCA

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ask a Vet: What Kind of Treats Do You Recommend? -Amy Van Tassel, DVM

The first thing I look for in a treat is the number of calories it contains.

A couple of years ago, I called some of the major manufacturers of commercial dog and cat treats to find out how many calories were in their treats. I was shocked by some of what I found. One treat had over 1,000 calories!

That number of calories is almost the entire daily energy requirement for an average dog weighing 60 pounds.

I have a list of all the information I obtained from these calls on our website at http://woodridgeanimalhospital.com/Main/DogTreatCalories.html for dog treats or http://woodridgeanimalhospital.com/Main/CaloriesinCatTreats.html for cat treats.

Click here for the rest of the story from Dr. Amy- Woodridge Patch

Friday, February 10, 2012

Coyote Mating Period Approaching

You may see more coyotes in the area in coming months, as February through April are the typical coyote mating period. The City encourages you to be especially careful to keep your pets on a leash.

Coyotes are a permanent fixture in DuPage County’s rural, suburban and urban areas. Seeing a coyote cross a field, backyard, road or golf course does not necessarily constitute a problem or dangerous situation, either for humans or domestic animals. Coyotes will be more active and more visible in late-winter/early spring during their breeding seasons. Most coyotes are harmless; their goal is to eat more natural foods such as mice and rabbits.

However, coyotes are opportunistic. If coyotes see easy food – such as open garbage- and aren’t afraid, they may take advantage. That puts them in direct line for a confrontation with pets. Coyotes are not interested in eating pets, these are territorial disputes. This summer the Darien Police Department has received 3 reports of small family dogs that were killed by coyotes. Studies have shown that attempts at eliminating all coyotes are not practical, economical or workable. When coyotes are removed others quickly move in.

For more information on Coyotes you can visit the DuPage County Forest Preserve District at

  Click here For FAQ and Safety tips .

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ask a Vet -Amy Van Tassel, DVM

My pet needs to lose weight. I only feed him what's recommended on the back of the bag and it's a diet food. But he hasn't lost any weight yet. What do you suggest?

Sounds like you've gotten off to a good start. If you just started your pet's diet after the new year, it may take another week or two to see results. I usually recommend waiting 4 to 6 weeks before your pet's first post-diet weight check. Checking sooner can leave you disappointed or discouraged. ou do want your pet to lose the weight gradually. Rapid weight loss can be dangerous, particularly for cats.
Commercially available "weight control" and "less active" foods are a good option if your pet is mildly overweight. The amount listed on the back of the bag is the total amount of food your pet should eat in an entire day. You want to feed your pet the amount that is recommended for your pet's ideal weight, not how much he weighs now. Each animal is different and if your pet's metabolism is slower than average, he may need even less food than what's listed on the back of the food bag. If your pet is more than mildly overweight, he may benefit from a prescription weight loss diet. A prescription medication that works similar to an appetite suppressant is also available for dogs who need additional help curbing their appetite
It's important to keep your pet's total calorie intake in mind. We often forget to consider the additional calories present in treats and table scraps when we're making a weight loss plan for our pets. They are often a culprit when extra pounds are present. Anything that your pet receives in addition to his regular food, no matter how small it seems to us, adds calories and in turn, pounds. If you decide to keep treats and table scraps on your pet's diet menu, limit them and decrease the amount of regular food you feed to compensate for these added calories.

Because of Illinois winter weather, this can be a difficult time to implement a consistent exercise plan for your pet. As much as you can, encourage exercise for your pet. Every little bit can help. Take walks with your dog or visit a dog park on nice days. Play hide-and-seek with your cat or introduce some new toys that stimulate your cat's hunting instincts. If you plan on running with your dog or beginning another type of vigorous exercise plan, consult with your veterinarian first. If you can increase your pet's exercise, he'll lose the weight faster than with diet alone and be happier while he's losing it.

If you have a question you'd like answered in this blog, please feel free to e-mail me at

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ask A Vet: I Got A Puppy For Christmas, Now What? - Woodridge, IL Patch

My family got me a puppy for Christmas. She kept me up all night crying and barking. Now today, she’s been having a ton of accidents in the house. What do I do now? Help!

Oh goodness! What a challenging Christmas surprise! Don’t worry, it’ll get better!

Most puppies cry at night because they feel alone, particularly the first few days they’re away from their littermates and mother. You and your family are now your puppy’s pack members and she wants to be with you.

Click here to get the rest from Dr. Amy Van Tassele