Pet owners may shell out as much — or more — money for their pets’ health care as they do for their own, a new report suggests. Pricey new technologies and more advanced treatment options drive up costs in many cases.
For a clearer picture of the types of animal illnesses, accidents, and resulting costs that pet owners face, Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, a company that sells medical coverage for dogs and cats, crunched data from 215,000 claims submitted by their customers during a one-year period.

Pet owners may shell out as much — or more — money for their pets’ health care as they do for their own, a new report suggests. Pricey new technologies and more advanced treatment options drive up costs in many cases.
For a clearer picture of the types of animal illnesses, accidents, and resulting costs that pet owners face, Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, a company that sells medical coverage for dogs and cats, crunched data from 215,000 claims submitted by their customers during a one-year period.
According to their Cost of Pet Care 2016 report, the most common accidents and illnesses for dogs include stomach issues — often from ingesting dangerous human foods, such as chocolate and other sweets; skin conditions; ear and eye infections; growths; and chronic allergies and pain.
Stomach and skin issues plague cats, too, as well as urinary tract infections, cancer, kidney disease, eye and ear conditions, and heart and respiratory problems.
The 7 foods most likely to make your pet sick
Stomach and skin issues plague cats, too, as well as urinary tract infections, cancer, kidney disease, eye and ear conditions, and heart and respiratory problems.
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Neal Paskvan is a full time Realtor specializing in Downers grove, Darien,Woodridge, Westmont and Du page county Real Estate